Tali sepatu yang dapat mengikat sendiri. Padahal sebelumnya penonton melihat dengan jelas bahwa tali sepatu kita lepas. Kita tinggal menggerakan kaki sedikit maka tali sepatu akan mengikat secara otomatis. Dapat diperiksa penonton.
Lepaskan tali sepatu anda, dan langsung di depan audience anda dapat mengikatnya kembali tanpa harus menyentuhnya, hanya menggerak-gerakan kaki ( tidak lebih dari 2 detik )
As performed by David Blaine on Drowned Alive!
From the mind of Jay Noblezada...
You didn't ask for the attention. It just happend. Born to perform is BEING READY when the spotlight finds YOU.
Hey man, your shoe is untied.
So you SMILE, make EYE CONTACT with your spectator, and to the ASTONISHMENT of everyone, your SHOELACES seem to VISUALLY TIE THEMSELVES.
Can be performed fully surrounded.
Stunningly VISUAL.
YOUR laces.
Your Shoes.
RP 40.000
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